yYou're sitting inside a shared-auto, a rickety old miserable excuse for a vehicle. NASA has been heard to describe it as a contraption specially designed to make you feel the existence of all the bones in your body and how well they can move once they are subjected to change in altitude.
The best thing about this is, irrespective of the speed the bumps always feel harder. If you're lucky enough to have not banged your head on the roof or your feet squashed by the total stranger sitting next to you who for some reason feels that there's enough space for him to spread his legs and inform his office-mates about the next juicy gossip that might happen in the coming 60 years, you can take pleasure of the scenic beauty outside. Its a vehicle of all the comforts, some auto's have been known to directly source B&O music systems so they can blare the newest tamil numbers for your comfort.
the auto driver is always, either a direct descendant of Michael Schumacher or the slowest turtle ever and, will take pride in putting the auto right in between the non-existent space between a double-bus and some water tank. As if its not enough he shall stop the auto at any place irrespective of availability of place or not, next to bunch of random individuals who would be concentrating between texting/calling and crossing the road. And irrespective of number of people inside he shall always assume there's enough space for more 2 people to fit in.
the ordeal seems to continue for forever, you almost bang into million things, don't ask what all, you're still not even half way to your destination because traffic is running so thick that there's no place for even twiggy to step in, yet the there'll always be people behind you with firm belief that blaring horns lead to instantaneous clearing of road. such is their belief that they hardly deter, the horn shall continue till your vehicle moves 1.2 mm further.
Rest of the journey's just a buzz, you're almost deaf, you can feel every bone in your body crackle, you're vibrating like you've been on a whole new Richter level. Now you're screaming your lungs out telling the auto guy to stop who conveniently decides to stop 10 meters ahead to wherever you intended to get down. anyway you're out now, you missed that garbage can and you're on the road and you're late for work. gotta be fast, but please don't run into that bus. thank you and have a nice day